Distressed Leather Messenger Bag

Purchase a distressed leather messenger bag from Status Co. that will last a lifetime; our premium leather bags, duffels, and rucksacks cost less than you may think. If you’re shopping online for a deal and looking for the most return for your purchase price, we invite you to check out our Esteem Collection, featuring quality buffalo and cowhide distressed leather messenger bags for sale. We’re confident you won’t find a better value on any other website.

5 Reasons to Choose Our distressed Leather Messenger Bags

1. Our quality is unsurpassed by any other leather company; in fact, every item we sell comes with a money back guarantee for your satisfaction. If you’re looking for rugged craftsmanship and handcrafted beauty and resilience, look no further than our leather messenger bags. Along with impeccable quality, you’ll notice a rare attention to detail not found in most other products.

2. We have a focus on your budget, offering free shipping and a $10 instant gift card when you sign up for our emails. You’ll also notice our prices are consistent with our competition, so you won’t have to worry about overpaying when looking for a distressed leather briefcase for sale or a distressed leather bag. Affordable prices are a hallmark of our commitment to providing our customers with an exceptional value.

3. Status Co. is a name that is trusted across the globe. Take a closer look at the artistry carefully sewn into each distressed leather messenger bag we sell, and the thickness of the leather we use and you’ll see why so many choose to shop on our website when looking for a durable distressed leather bag. Shop around and compare our products with the rest- we’re confident you’ll be back to take advantage of the best value found online.

4. Love the look. Carrying one of our premium leather bags will significantly improve your status among peers, customers, clients, friends, and coworkers. Not only will others around you love the appearance of our vintage distressed leather man bags, but you’ll be proud to display our workmanship around town or while on the road for business. Check out our entire line of distressed leather messenger bags and choose from the following:

  • Buffalo Leather Full Flap Messenger Bag
  • Buffalo Leather Shoulder Briefcase Satchel Bag
  • Buffalo Leather Hunter, Crossbody Briefcase Satchel Bag
  • Rustic & Rugged Leather Laptop Messenger Bag
  • Handcrafted Satchel & Shoulder Briefcase
  • Vintage Distressed Hunter Leather Messenger Bag
  • Unisex Buffalo Leather Messenger Bag
  • Leather Modern Styled Faded Handy Messenger Bag
  • Vintage Leather Laptop Bag
  • Craftsmen Long Leather Messenger Bag
  • And many, many others!

5. Treat yourself to an accessory that will be around for future generations to enjoy. You’ll find 101 reasons to carry our distressed leather messenger bag along with you to the store, to a friend's house, for an overnight out of town, or when running errands.

Contact our customer service team at Status Co. Leather Studio at (334) 245-4140 or send us an email communication with your questions.